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Female Founders Fresh Sheet

A close up of a bouquet of flowers in a cardboard box

I recently had the pleasure of being featured as a Female Founder via one of my favourite local businesses here in Vancouver. In an effort to build community with other small business owners I reached out to learn more about their story!

Bears Blooms is a local flower subscription program here in Vancouver, BC. I've been a customer since the business launched and I receive beautiful blooms just as I'm finishing my work week on Wednesday afternoons! Tess started the business with her brother, Parker and have seen great success ever since. Have a read to learn more about how Tess feels about her entrepreneurial journey, then head over to their website to read up on my chat with them and to find a special discount code!

1. What was most appealing to you about owning your own business?

The fast paced, flexible environment. I never wake up wanting to do the same thing as I did

yesterday, being an owner/operator is a perfect fit for me because each day is different!

2. What did you want to be when you “grew up”?

An actor! I’ve loved film and television since I was a little kid and it’s always been a passion of mine.

3. How do you feel about managing a team? Do you already do so, if not do you plan/want to?

I love our team. They’re one of the best parts of my job. I strongly believe that things are more fun when done with others and work is no different. When you’re running your own business, everything feels like the most important thing, so it’s hard to pass things off to other members of the team. That’s something I’ve struggled the most with, but once you’re over that hurdle the business is better for it.

4. What is the biggest sacrifice you’ve made in becoming your own (and other peoples) boss?

My time! Ultimately when the wheels fall off the bus, which they always do sometimes, it’s your number they call and your business on the line. That means always being available on weekends, holidays, and vacations in some capacity.

5. Did anyone specific inspire you to go out on your own?

I actually started this business with my brother, and we’ve been in it together ever since. I couldn’t have done it without a partner. We were both inspired by our parents, who have always worked for themselves. We grew up watching the sacrifice that running a business takes, but also the flexibility it affords. It was great to have our parents around growing up and ultimately that was the lifestyle that I was drawn to as well.

6. Name a personal trait that you can proudly say helps you in your business.

I’m a very good problem solver, which in a delivery and logistics business that deals with a perishable product has come in handy!

7. What was one piece of advice that you were given at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey that has stuck with you?

We had a meeting just after we started developing the business with another entrepreneur who told us not to do it. She felt the idea was too big, and we didn’t know enough about the various components to make it work. Ultimately we decided to push forward but there’s been a lot of tough moments that I think back on that conversation and wonder if we were too lofty. I would give the same advice to a future entrepreneur and it’s basically this: the bigger the idea, the bigger the risk, and the bigger the potential reward.

8. What daily ritual can you not live without?

My ridiculous JJBean order - a half sweet, extra hot, oat milk london fog

9. Where is your favourite place to spend a day off work?

On the ski slope or on the ocean!


Instagram: @bears_blooms Facebook: Bear’s Blooms

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